Ceramic Fiber Module

Ceramic Fiber Module

Ceramic Fiber Modules are produced from ceramic fiber blanket. They are used in the insulation of industrial furnaces. They are produced with various anchoring systems for effective, easy, and fast application in industrial furnaces. Modules prevent heat loss, enhance furnace efficiency, and reduce costs. Standard dimensions are usually 300x300x300 mm with a density of 192 kg/m³. They can be customized according to customer preferences in terms of density and other specifications.


  • They are easy to apply and install.
  • Thermal Conductivity W/m° at 400°C and 600°C
  • Its formation is simple
  • Application Areas
  • Ceramic industry
  • Thermal power plants
  • Refinery and petrochemical industry
  • Industrial furnaces
  • Glass furnaces
  • Iron and steel industry.